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Email for Week of October 23

subject line: The Truth About Your Credit

Did you know there are more than 55 different scoring models? FICO is the most common; it’s the one most people have heard of. The letters in FICO stand for the company responsible for it: Fair Isaac & Co. Two men — Fair and Isaac — founded the company 60 years ago. So now it’s an acronym that everyone knows — but few people know anything about.

FICO is a measure of our credit worthiness based on the debt agreements we have, and whether we’ve made payments on time, what our outstanding balances are, and so on.

The major reporting agencies — companies separate from FICO, including Experian and TransUnion, look at common factors, break them up into categories, types of debt, and then the lender — not the reporting agency by the way — makes a decision.

The main areas lenders look at are how long you’ve had credit and how you’re using it. That’s the number of credit accounts and the number of years they’ve been open, and then balance information — how much you’ve borrowed against the total amount available.

Will Credit Inquiries Impact My Credit Score? Inquiries. That’s when someone checks your credit. They have a temporary effect on your credit numbers. When a potential lender pulls your credit report they see who looked at your credit over the last six months. After six months it falls off. Basically every inquiry affects your score by 1 to 2 points. It doesn’t sound like a lot but if you apply for several cards it adds up The lender will look at the inquiries and say, “This person is applying for a lot of credit — more credit than the income from their job would support.

What about the credit card or line of credit that you haven’t used it in a long time: should people keep the accounts — the “trade lines” — open? When you close out a card you’ve had for 10 or 20 years you cut off 10 or 20 years of positive credit history. It’s better to have a card open and unused than to have had the card and then close the account completely. Just keep the zero balance. Of course, it’s better to use it occasionally and make sure there’s no annual fee.

What about short sales, foreclosure, or bankruptcy? First there’s a time line involved — how long will you have to wait, what were the conditions when credit or that home loan went bad for you, what kind of loan are you trying for now, and so on. The general range for “seasoning” as we call it is between 2 and 7 years

For additional questions regarding your credit and to be connected to a quality lender for a full credit report, reach out to me using my contact information provided on this email.

For any Real Estate Advice that pertains to financial, legal, or tax related information please contact the professionals in those fields. The practice of Real Estate representation can vary by state. Ask your Real Estate Representative for agency information pertaining to your state and company.



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Email for Week of October 16

subject line: Giving Back To Your Community

Giving back to your community can be a rewarding and fun experience. It is something you can do individually or together as a family. When it comes to volunteering it can be a bit overwhelming to get started. Before committing to a volunteer position there are a few things to consider:

1. Time Commitment- How much time do you want to spend volunteering? One hour a week, one Saturday a month, a few times a year?

3. What are you passionate about? If you are passionate about the organization or cause you are much more likely to enjoy the time you spend volunteering.

3. What are your strengths? Do you have a specific skill that you would like to utilize when volunteering? It could be working as a volunteer to help with event planning, construction, working with children, helping people with finances, organizing, etc.

4. Once you have narrowed down these questions down, find an organization to volunteer with.

Volunteering can be a great experience, but don’t get discouraged if the first time you try it or the first organization you volunteer with doesn’t work out. If you don’t enjoy it or the time commitment is too much don’t give up just find something that is a better fit for you and your schedule. There are many benefits to volunteering. It helps you get connected in your community, you have the opportunity to give back and it looks great on a resume! It is also a great way to spend time as a family.



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Email for Week of October 9

subject line: How to find the best deals on hotels

Booking a hotel has become increasingly difficult as there are so many options to choose from. After finding a hotel that suits all your needs you need to ascertain whether you are getting a good rate.

1. See what online travel sites like Expedia, Hotels.com, or Travelocity are offering. Or you could browse the hotel website to find a good deal. Many sites list special offers as well as discounts.

2. Pricing travel sites like Hotwire or Priceline do offer good rates for good hotels. The only downside is you cannot specify a hotel. All you can do is indicate where you want accommodation. The reservation needs to be made online and is nonrefundable and one cannot change plans or cancel.

3. If you plan your trip well in advance you could get a discount of 50% or more during the off season.

4. Some hotels have special rates for members of AAA, American Automobile Association and other professional bodies or clubs.

Call the hotel of your choice and ask them if they do offer special rates. Many hotel chains also have rewards programs where you can earn points toward free rooms and get free upgrades.

5. If you are traveling in a group, ask about group rates or family rates. Most hotels have different options for multiple bookings. Some even offer a day or two additional stay at no extra cost.

To get the best deal you need to be thorough as well as flexible. Just as you spend time sourcing air tickets at bargain prices you can do the same for hotel bookings.

Read all travel offers carefully. If you are smart you will save quite a lot.




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Email for Week of October 2

subject line: How to know when it’s time to move up to another home, or stay and improve your current home

In recent years more than ten million plus North Americans buy or sell a home.

Of that ten million number a significant percentage of individuals and families had to first resolve the following questions:

Would we better off financially or in terms of our preferred lifestyle by staying put and making home improvements or should we save ourselves the stress and struggles associated with a ‎home improvement project and buy another home?

First Step:
Determine the current price of your home.

Second Step:
Determine what new features and/or improvements you desire in your present home.

Third Step:
Meet with a real estate professional that can:

A. Help connect you to superior local contractors and/or interior designers.

B. Help you determine which renovations are more consequential regarding ultimate resale value.

C. Provide you with information and previews of current and potentially soon to be marketed properties which will help you determine if the alternative of moving is in your best short range and long range interest.


Should you:

  • Stay in your home as is until it might be a better time to sell.
  • Stay in your home, improve its value and get to enjoy your personalized upgrades.
  • Consult with recommended architects and/or contractor and look to maximize your profit in your property.
  • Determine the value of your home as is, then calculate the costs of renovation and the projected market value once enhancements are complete.
  • Market your property for sale while you plan your renovation.
  • Consider pricing your home to sell as is as well as pricing it to sell after renovation.
  • Determine which area and type of home is enjoying the greatest current and projected demand and consider the future resale of that property versus your current home.

I am well trained to assist you in discovering the possibility of exchanging your lifestyle, net worth, and tax privileges through the use of a Move Up SystemSM consultation. See my contact information on the front to schedule a quick consultation.




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Email for Week of September 25

subject line: 5 Tips to Keep Your Home Safe

No matter how long you are away, it could be a weekend or for an extended vacation, there are measures you can take to keep your home safe.

#1. Don’t advertise you are away. It is never a good idea to post on social media that you are going on vacation.

#2 Make sure all of your entrances are well-lit.

#3 Trim shrubs near your doors and windows to make it harder for burglars to hide.

#4 When you leave set some of your lights on timers to make it appear that you are home.

#5 Open some of your curtains and blinds so that during the day it gives the impression you are home and at night your lights that are on timers will be more visible.

These tips don’t guarantee your home won’t be broken into but they are great preventative measures.




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