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Tag: safety

Email for Week of September 25

subject line: 5 Tips to Keep Your Home Safe

No matter how long you are away, it could be a weekend or for an extended vacation, there are measures you can take to keep your home safe.

#1. Don’t advertise you are away. It is never a good idea to post on social media that you are going on vacation.

#2 Make sure all of your entrances are well-lit.

#3 Trim shrubs near your doors and windows to make it harder for burglars to hide.

#4 When you leave set some of your lights on timers to make it appear that you are home.

#5 Open some of your curtains and blinds so that during the day it gives the impression you are home and at night your lights that are on timers will be more visible.

These tips don’t guarantee your home won’t be broken into but they are great preventative measures.




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